Wednesday, March 24, 2010

i-TFTD #266: Riding into the Storm

i-TFTD #266: Riding into the Storm

#266-1. All men should strive to learn before they die
What they are running from, and to, and why.
-James Thurber, American author, cartoonist and celebrated wit (1894–1961)

#266-2. The wind and the waves are always on the side of the ablest navigators.
-Edward Gibbon, English historian and Member of Parliament (1737-1794)

#266-3. The wise have encountered the negative thoughts and the temptations which are illusions of what is good. The illusion of good is what seems good now but is not good tomorrow.
-Thomas D. Willhite, motivational author

I remember Thurber for his hilarious piece I once read titled, "My Own Ten Rules for a Happy Marriage", which, unfortunately, I could not locate online. His quote was immediately thought-provoking when I saw it. Most of us seem to be running away from something most of the time. What? Why? Pausing to reflect seems useful even if there are no clear answers.

Positive thinkers tend to feel lucky, as Richard Wiseman has found. Maybe the so-called universal energy prefers to favor excellence?

The key is to keep doing the right thing to the best of one's ability even when the wind does not seem to be on our side.

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