Monday, April 28, 2008

i-TFTD #121

i-TFTD #121

#121-1. With so little time, there are just not enough minutes left to hate, not enough time for gossip or fighting. We should all be so busy "doing" and "being" that we have no time left for anything but accomplishing "good".

-Thomas D. Willhite

#121-2. If you want something you never had, do something you have never done.

#121-3. Life is uncharted territory. It reveals its story one moment at a time.
-Leo Buscaglia

Most irritating or frustrating situations seem silly and insignificant when viewed after a while. Could we train to reach that "after-a-while" perspective while in the situation?

We often make the mistake of doing the same things and expecting something different. At least some senior colleagues and I tried doing something different recently, performing a dance on stage in an annual corporate event. From what I could gather it was a small but satisfying personal victory to let our hair down and be ridiculous -- with plenty of practice!

It helps to view life as an adventure or enchanting mystery rather than as a puzzle to solve quickly using the help of some "ultimate" technique or "proven" forecasting model. Very few do it, as shown by the increasing popularity of a variety of services such as astrology and past-life therapy.

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