Monday, May 28, 2007

i-TFTD #16

i-TFTD #16

#16-1. It's so hard when I have to, and so easy when I want to.
-Annie Gottlier

#16-2. Swallow your pride occasionally, it's non-fattening!

#16-3. Knowledge is power, but enthusiasm pulls the switch. 
-Ivern Ball

The first and third are related. It is possible to psyche ourselves up to do something with gusto, and that makes a difference to the results. Try it and you will see. Ultimately it can actually become a habit and you will be a valued member in every professional or social group. Unfortunately there are still some who tend to say, "Don't be enthusastic all the time about everything." Ignore them.

Petty ego issues are all too common, a frequently occurring barrier to success, to better collaboration and to achieving all we can.


Sundar said...

wonder whether enthusiasm can be simulated or becomes an activity then...not a spontaneous burst of involvement...

RG said...

Simulation sounds like faking. Generation, yes. In the typical corporate environment change and new ideas are rarely greeted with a let's try out reaction. Problems are avoided. People who generate enthusiasm and show it tend to do better.