Monday, February 2, 2009

i-TFTD #185

i-TFTD #185

Slightly different tone of i-TFTDs today, the last one explains why.

#185-1. You can make buffalo go anywhere, just so long as they want to go there.
-Gerald Weinberg

2. It is impossible to enjoy idling thoroughly unless one has plenty of work to do.
-Jerome K. Jerome

3. I can trick you into learning with a laugh;
Oh winnow all my folly and you'll find
A grain or two of truth among the chaff.
-W.S. Gilbert

Jerry Weinberg is a pioneer of the psychology of software development and has written many interesting books. His quote above is an antidote to any illusions we may have about motivating others.

The second one is so true. Our enjoyment of a thing is sometimes relative/conditional in a negative way.

The last is a favourite theme of mine. Just because something seems fun or funny does not make it less useful or less profound. Learning is especially aided by humour.

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